Saturday, 20 August 2016

Myths You Don't Want to Believe

It is quite natural to set our eyes on something and believe it completely without realizing that it will comprise of 'facts' and 'myths' as well. Likewise about hair replacement system, there are several myths which you should be aware of, since it is nothing but pointless factors to disbelieve. Let me bring you some of the myths which should be seriously gotten rid of. 

 1. Your Mane Won't Look as Real

Trying to disguise hair loss is often the joke in a movie or on a TV show-a character is made fun of for having a wig or toupee that looks like a "mop" or a "dead animal." While this is still a running joke, there have been advancements in the hair replacement industry that have led to more natural-looking wigs and toupees. These look and feels just like your real mane, and can be washed and styled the same way.

If you're still not convinced, there are plenty of other non-surgical hair replacement procedures that use your existing follicles to create a fuller mane and a more cosmetically pleasing frontal hairline. For example, laser therapy uses a low-grade, low-heat laser that penetrates the outer layer of your scalp and increases blood flow right under the skin. This increase in blood flow stimulates the growth of follicles, leading to more natural growth. 

 2. My Hairline Won't Look Natural

This is a common qualm with any hair replacement therapy. However, you need not worry. The specialists who perform grafts have years of training, and they use the latest technology to ensure that you look and feel as natural as possible.

3. Non-Surgical Options Aren't as Effective

A surgical graft is a legitimate response to male pattern baldness. Thousands of people undergo this procedure every year and come out with fantastic results-a thicker, fuller mane, and a more defined outline. However, surgical grafts are neither the best nor the most effective choice for every type of baldness. This is true for individuals whose main problem is thinning or who have Type A alopecia, where cutting out small pieces of skin wouldn't affect overall strand density. In these cases, wigs, laser therapy, or non-surgical grafts can actually be equally or more effective than a surgical procedure.

Some types of balding or alopecia cannot be addressed with today's knowledge and technology. But hair replacement therapy can be effective for many people who suffer from these medical conditions. It is important to know the truth about what causes these conditions and what sort of results you can expect from treatment. Speak with a specialist to get the clearest picture of what can be done for your particular situation.

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