Wednesday, 17 August 2016

Is Hair Replacement System Safe?

With cosmetic surgical procedures becoming increasingly cheap and accessible, having the appearance you’ve always wanted is no longer the vaunt of celebrities and the wealthy. And since male pattern baldness is at the top of the list of things men would like to change about their looks, it’s no wonder that the hair replacement is becoming one of the most popular procedures around. Hair replacement system is one major solution to get rid of your worries regarding hair loss. Obviously you would wonder whether hair replacement is safe or not. Just ensure that you are hiring a well-credentialed clinic or a hair replacement system to do it the right way. 

As with any surgical procedure, the risks include infection, numbness and scarring. However, with an experienced and reliable hairstylist/hair replacement expert, all of the risks are minimal, and if you have done your homework and are confident you have found the right clinic for you, there is no reason to be unduly worried.

Make sure you talk to your surgeon about the risks before you undergo the procedure, and about any health problems or allergies you may suffer from. A hair replacement system is a non-surgical procedure that attempts to permanently re-establish healthy growing hair in areas that have become bald. It is typically a procedure that is used to counter male and female pattern baldness, but can also be used in the event of hair loss due to scarring, for example on the beard area, or even the eyebrows.

Hair follicles are harvested from a donor area that has healthy, bald-resistant hair, and moved to the recipient area, where they are re-established in as natural where a growing pattern is made possible. 
Finding the right hair replacement system- this seriously matters. Not only do you want the best possible results for your money, but you also need to absolutely ensure that you are in safe hands when you choose to have a hair replacement. The risks of excessive scarring or a dodgy hairline are simply too great when you use an inexperienced surgeon. So take your time, and shop around.

  • Read Testimonies: There is nothing more valuable than the insight of others who have already been through the procedure. From success to horror stories, reading testimonies is a great way to find out about recommended clinics, and ones to avoid at all cost.

  • Don’t Skimp On Price: Hair replacements can be expensive, but it is always worth paying a bit more to go with a reputable clinic than to save money and end up with disastrous results. Think of it as paying for quality.
  • Consider The Procedure That Is Right For You: The latest, advanced procedure of Follicle Unit Replacement will certainly mean less scarring and a natural hair regrowth. However, there is also a greater risk of failure with this technique, since follicles damaged in the process will often not survive. This means that more than one session is sometimes needed to achieve a desirable hair coverage, and if you don’t have the funds for that then you may end up back at square one. If you are on a budget, talk to your hairstylist/hair replacement expert about which procedure is right for you, and they will be able to advise you on what will be the most successful course.

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